Install Audacious 3.1 In Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

4:10 AM

Audacious 3.1

Audacious 3.1 has been released a few days ago, and as usual, it's available in the main WebUpd8 PPA.

Audacious is a highly configurable music player for GNOME that has a very low memory footprint and comes with many plugins as well as two interfaces: a GTK and a Winamp2-like interface (it also supports Winamp 2 skins). Here's the Winamp-like interface:

Audacious winamp interface

Changes in Audacious 3.1 since version 3.0:
  • New queue manager window
  • Audacious can now run in "headless" mode, controlled by DBus clients such as audtool
  • New configuration system, which does fewer disk writes and has a cleaner API
  • Visualization subsystem has been reworked to be more efficient and more accurate
  • Two unmaintained plugins (moodbar and rocklight) are removed
  • BS2B effect plugin can now be tweaked
  • The channel mixer plugin can now downmix some surround formats to stereo
  • New plugin to convert from mono to stereo and vice versa
  • Alarm plugin has been ported to GTK 3 and restored
  • Audio CD plugin now reads mixed data and audio CD's correctly
  • Dockable plugin windows such as LyricWiki now have a sane default window size

And many more. A complete list of changes in Audacious 3.1 can be found here.

Install Audacious 3.1 in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

Audacious 3.1

Because Audacious 3.x requires a very new ffmpeg version which is only available in the official Ubuntu 11.10 repositories (and uploading ffmpeg to the PPA would break too many stuff so that's not an option), Audacious 3.1 in the WebUpd8 PPA is only available for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. Add the PPA and install Audacious 3.1 using the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install audacious


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