Nuvola Player 1.0 (Stable) Released

6:11 AM

Nuvola Player (previously Google Music Frame) is a music player especially designed for cloud music. Even though it's only a "frame", it's a great application that comes with features such as Ubuntu Sound Menu (mpris2 - also works with some GNOME Shell extensions) support, notifications, multimedia keys, Unity quicklists and many extra features thanks to user scripts (like scrobbling for Google Music, etc.).

Nuvola Player got Grooveshark, Hype Machine and 8tracks support recently (in addition to Google Music) and we've talked about this already, but if you like using stable releases, you'll be glad to know that Nuvola Player 1.0 has finally been released.

Other changes in Nuvola Player 1.0: 
  • a new menu bar and reworked tool bar (and you can select to show them both or only one of them)
  • support for SOCKS proxy servers
  • various configuration options like: turn off notifications, visibility of tray icon, close button behavior, simple settings for user scripts

You can see the official release notes, here.

Install Nuvola Player (stable) in Ubuntu

If you've added the Nuvola Beta or Unstable PPA and want to install Nuvola 1.0 stable, disable them and remove Nuvola, then use the commands below (or use PPA Purge).

To add the Nuvola Stable PPA and install Nuvola Player (stable) in Ubuntu, use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nuvola-player-builders/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nuvolaplayer

For Fedora, see: How To Install Nuvola Player (Ex Google Music Frame) In Fedora.

To get the code, report bugs and so on, check out Nuvola Player @ Launchpad.


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