Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 Has Been Released

7:33 PM

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 (stable) has finally been released. The new version comes with a revamped user interface and many new features, but also without some of its old features: App and Source Center are no longer available in Ubuntu Tweak because, according to the Ubuntu Tweak developer, even though these features were liked by many users, they caused a lot of problems and also, they weren't exactly tweaks.

By the way, if you want to search for PPAs, you can use Y PPA Manager.

We've already covered Ubuntu Tweak 0.6, so I'll only post a small recap for what's new.

New features in Ubuntu Tweak 0.6:
  • revamped user interface
  • plugins support
  • Unity-specific (for both 2D and 3D) settings and tweaks
  • built-in Computer Janitor that lets you clear various cached/uneeded files or packages
  • option to change GTK3, icon theme and fonts
  • LightDM tweaks
  • a new overview tab which displays various system info
  • backup feature for the source editor
  • natural scrolling tweak

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 screenshots:

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6

Install Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 (stable)

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 (stable) is only available for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot for now. Add the Ubuntu Tweak PPA and install it using the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Or just download the .deb via Launchpad.

The Ubuntu Tweak Testing PPA (ppa:ubuntu-tweak-testing/ppa) currently provides the latest stable Ubuntu Tweak, but if you want to continue using the stable version, I recommend adding the stable PPA and removing the testing PPA as newer testing versions might be uploaded soon.


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