Pinguy OS Mini 11.10 Shell - a stripped down Pinguy version -, has been released today. Just like the full edition, Pinguy OS Mini is called "beta", even though this is most probably the final version (more info about the reason behind this in our Pinguy OS 11.10 post).
Pinguy OS Mini 11.10 looks just like the full Pinguy version: 2 Docky instances, Conky and the same GNOME Shell extensions, but other than that, there are only a few applications installed by default: Nautilus, GNOME Tweak Tool, Firefox, Boot Repair, Cover Thumbnailer, GNOME Mplayer, Y PPA Manager, Bleachbit and a few other system tools.
But of course, the tweaks are all still there: zRam, various Firefox extensions, and so on. The codecs and Adobe Flash are also installed by default.
Pinguy OS Mini is for those who don't use most of the applications installed by default in the main Pinguy OS version and want to install their own applications, but still get the Pinguy OS experience.
Download Pinguy OS Mini 11.10 Shell
via Pinguy OS blog.
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