Radio Software Airtime 2.0 Released With Easier Icecast And SHOUTcast Configuration, More

10:55 PM

Airtime is a free open source radio management application. The Airtime server runs on Linux, but the interface can be used from anywhere, using a web browser.

It features DJ management, playlists and shows, SoundCloud integration, supports Icecast and SHOUTcast and comes with a jQuery-based interface that supports drag and drop.

airtime radio management software 2.0

Airtime 2.0 has been released a few days ago and it includes many improvements like easier Icecast and SHOUTcast streams configuration, better calendar, playlists and SoundCloud integratoin and more.

In Airtime 2.0, Icecast and SHOUTcast streams as well as the hardware output API (ALSA, OSS, AO, Pulseaudio, and Portaudio) can be configued through the web interface. Also, you can now have up to three streams with different bitrates and point them to different Icecast / SHOUTcast servers.

airtime 2.0 stream settings

Airtime 2.0 also comes with a new feature that lets you preview / listen to the streams directly from the web interface, without the need to run an application.

Another interesting improvement has been made to the SoundCloud integration - using Airtime 2.0, you can upload any clip (including multiple clips at once) to Soundcloud and not just the recorded.

Other changes in Airtime 2.0:
  • Service monitoring from the browser: You can now see the status of the services and the disk space available.
  • Time zone can now be set in the browser.
  • View settings saved in calendar
  • Connection issues between Liquidsoap and Icecast are displayed in the web interface
  • Protection against brute-force password guessing attacks: after three failed login attempts, the user will be presented with a RECAPTCHA.
  • Right-click on an item in the library to see the metadata for the audio file
  • Notification of new Airtime releases built into the interface
  • Better error checking in cases where two users alter the same data at the same time (for example, in playlists and shows)
  • The Media Monitor is also much improved. It now correctly handles the case where a watched directory or subdirectory is deleted or moved
  • More

Getting started with Airtime

1. Firstly, you need to add some music to your Airtime library, so click the "Add media" button on the top bar, add some music files and click "Start upload":

airtime radio

2. Now you need to create a playlist so head over to "Playlist builder", click on "New" on the right, give your new playlist a name and add some files to your playlist using drag and drop:

airtime radio

3. The next step is to create a show. Click on "Calendar" on top, then "+ Show" and enter your show details: the name, time and so on and when you're ready, click "Add this show":

airtime radio

4. The last step is to add some playlists to the newly created show. To do this, click on "Calendar" on the top bar, look up your show and left click it, then select "Add / Remove Content":

airtime radio

You should see your playlists on the left - using drag and drop, add them to your show and click "Ok":

airtime radio software

Your show should start at the time you've set under step 3.

Download / Install Airtime

You can try Airtime 2.0 online, by going to

Setting up Airtime in Ubuntu is very easy: download THIS deb - it will add the Airtime repository -, and install it, then install Airtime using the commands below (after installation, make sure you change the password!):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install airtime
Once installed, access Airtime by opening http://localhost in your web browser.

If the above instructions are not easy enough, you'll find step-by-step Ubuntu installation instructions HERE.

Download Airtime

Thanks to Adam Thomas for the tip!


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