Unity-Like Launcher For KDE: Icon Tasks Plasmoid

7:25 PM

Icon Tasks is modified KDE 4.7 taskbar applet that comes with some of the best Unity / DockBarX features. It supports Unity quicklists, counters and progress bars, window previews with media player controls, comes with DockManager API (you can use the Docky helpers in Icon Tasks) and lots more.

Here are a few screenshots:

Icon Tasks kde
Window group - previews

Icon tasks
Media player controls in tooltips

Icon tasks unity quicklists
Unity quicklists

Icon tasks

Icon tasks
Unity progress bar

Update: to get a Firefox support for Icon Tasks, install UnityFox 0.22 from HERE as well as "libunity6" package:
sudo apt-get install libunity6

Install Icon Tasks plasmoid

Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot users can install Icon Tasks KDE plasmoid from a PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnumdk/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-icon-tasks

For Arch Linux, get Icon Tasks via AUR.

Once installed, either remove the existing taskbar applet or create a new panel, right click it and select Add Widgets, then add "Icon-only Task Manager".

To use Docky helpers in Icon Tasks, install the following package:
sudo apt-get install python-dockmanager

Icon Tasks plasmoid comes with various options: you can change the style, preview window size, middle click behavior and lots more. To configure these, right click Icon Tasks on an empty space and select Icon-Only Taskmanager Settings:

Icons task

For a complete list of features, source code, support and so on, check out Icon Tasks @ KDE-Apps.

Thanks to Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez for the tip! Last 2 images via Icon Tasks @ KDE-Look.


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