Shutter, probably the best screenshot tool for Linux, has been updated today, getting many new upload plugins for services such as Dropbox, ImageShack, Imgur, Minus, Omploader, TwitPic, UbuntuPics and more.
To upload an image to Dropbox, Imgur and so on, right click an image and select "Export", then select the desired service. Once the image has been uploaded, Shutter will display a link for your image. Some upload plugins require an account, so make sure you enter your username and password under Edit > Preferences > Upload.
In the latest Shutter 0.88, the public links are saved when a screenshot is uploaded so you can right click an image in Shutter and see all the available public links.
The new version also brings an improved command line interface (you can specify the filename when using Shutter via command line) and various bug fixes.
To install the latest Shutter 0.88 in Ubuntu, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shutter
For other Linux distributions, see the Shutter download page.
Extra tip: by default, Shutter doesn't come with an Ubuntu AppIndicator, but you can use a separate AppIndicator I've created a while back - see: Ubuntu Application Indicator For Shutter (Screenshot Tool)
via Shutter blog
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