GNOME Shell Extensions Updater

1:09 AM

With GNOME Shell Extensions Updater, you can update all the extensions installed from with a single click. This extension checks for updated extensions every 5 days and displays a notification in the GNOME Shell Message Tray with all the available updates:

gnome shell extension updater

To install the updates, simply click "Update all" and all the extensions should be automatically updated:

GNOME Shell Extension Updater is not available on the GNOME Shell Extensions website, but you can easily install it using the commands below. Firstly, install GIT - in Ubuntu, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install git-core

Then, to install the extension on any distro running GNOME Shell 3.4 or 3.2, copy/paste the following commands in a terminal:
git clone git://
cd gnome-shell-extension-updater
Once installed, restart GNOME Shell and activate the extension using GNOME Tweak Tool.

There aren't any settings to change the update check interval, but if you really need to change it, you can edit the ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ file and modify the "UPDATE_INTERVAL" value to whatever you want.

via Reda Lazri @ G+


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