Zukitwo, Zukini, Holo Theme Packs Updated For GNOME 3.4 [Ubuntu PPA]

11:37 PM

Zukitwo, Zukini and Holo (unofficial) GTK2/3/GNOME Shell themes have been updated to work with GNOME 3.4 (so they work in Ubuntu 12.04) and are now available in the WebUpd8 themes PPA.

To be able to install the themes below using the WebUpd8 themes PPA, firstly add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/themes
sudo apt-get update

Zukitwo is a GTK2/3/GNOME Shell/Xfwm4 theme pack that comes with two GTK theme variants: light and dark. Zukitwo for GNOME Shell uses a transparent top bar and a beautiful message tray, giving GNOME Shell a glassy look. Both Zukitwo and Zukitwo-Dark GTK themes work with Unity, though the top panel font is a bit blurry with Zukitwo (this doesn't occur with Zukitwo-Dark).

Here are some Zukitwo screenshots:

Zukitwo Dark
Zukitwo GNOME Shell theme
Zukitwo GTK & Zukitwo GNOME Shell

To install Zukitwo from the WebUpd8 Themes PPA in Ubuntu, use the command below:
sudo apt-get install zukitwo-gtk-theme zukitwo-dark-gtk-theme

For other Linux distributions, download Zukitwo from DeviantArt.

Zukitwo Colors is a theme pack based on Zukitwo that comes with GTK2, GTK3 and GNOME Shell themes in 7 colors from Shiki-Colors (Brave, Dust, Human, Illustrious, Noble, Wine and Wise), as well as a color-neutral GNOME Shell theme (Zukitwo-Colors) and Metacity/Mutter themes for Dust (Zukitwo-Dust):

One of the Zukitwo Colors theme

To install Zukitwo Colors in Ubuntu, use the command below:
sudo apt-get install zukitwo-colors-theme

For other Linux distributions, download Zukitwo Colors from GNOME Look.

Holo is GNOME 3 theme pack created by Tiheum (the Faenza icon theme designer) that tries to mimic the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich theme. The theme doesn't support GNOME 3.4 officially, so RĂ©gis Montoya has ported it to the latest GNOME version:

Note: Holo is especially designed for GNOME Shell and doesn't work properly in Unity!

To install Holo theme pack in Ubuntu, use the command below:
sudo apt-get install holo-theme

For other Linux distributions, download Holo unofficial port to GTK3.4 via GitHub. The original Holo GTK/GNOME Shell theme can be downloaded via DeviantArt.

Zukini is yet another GTK2/3/GNOME Shell theme pack created by lassekongo83 (the Zukitwo theme designer):

Zukini GNOME Shell theme
Zukini GTK theme

To install Zukini in Ubuntu, use the command below:
sudo apt-get install zukini-theme

For other Linux distributions, download Zukini from DeviantArt.

To use any of the GTK themes above in Ubuntu, you can use Unsettings, Ubuntu Tweak, etc.

For GNOME Shell themes, you'll need the User Themes GNOME Shell extension which is a part of the "gnome-shell-extensions" package available in the WebUpd8 GNOME 3 PPA - for how to install it in Ubuntu, see our previous post: Official GNOME Shell Extensions, Weather, System Monitor, MediaPlayer And GPaste Available For GNOME Shell 3.4 [PPA - Ubuntu 12.04]


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