Cinnamon Themes, Applets And Extensions PPA Repository [Ubuntu, Linux Mint, LMDE]

6:24 PM

cinnamon settings

WebUpd8 reader Brian Bentsen has created a PPA repository to easily install extra Cinnamon themes, applets and extensions in Ubuntu, Linux Mint and LMDE.

The PPA is new but it already provides around 40 packages, including a classic menu applet, Gpaste, hardware monitor applet, messaging menu, places applet, force quit, window menu, window icon list, coverflow alt-tab as well as themes like Eleganse, Holo, ICS, elementary, Ambiance, Glass, Baldr and many others.

Here are a few screenshots with some of the applets / extensions available in this repository:

cinnamon linux mint classic menu
Linux Mint Classic Menu

cinnamon window icon list
Window Icon List

cinnamon messaging menu
Messaging Menu

cinnamon hardware monitor
Cinnamon hardware monitor

cinnamon coverflow alt-tab
Coverflow alt-tab

And themes (there are many other themes available in the PPA):

cinnamon ambiance theme

cinnamon baldr theme

cinnamon eleganse theme

Add the Cinnamon Extras PPA and install applets and themes in Ubuntu, Linux Mint and LMDE

The PPA is only available for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, but the applets / themes work just fine under Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin (using Cinnamon installed from its Nightly builds PPA) so you can use it under Ubuntu 12.04 too, by tweaking the repository to use "oneiric" instead of "precise". But please note that by using the applets and themes with an unstable Cinnamon version, they can stop working at some point.

Add the PPA in Ubuntu / Linux Mint using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bimsebasse/cinnamonextras

For Ubuntu 12.04, replace "oneiric" with "precise" for the repository .list file using the following command:
sudo sed -i 's/precise/oneiric/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bimsebasse-cinnamonextras-precise.list

Then, for any Ubuntu (or Linux Mint 12) version, update the software sources:
sudo apt-get update

To add the Cinnamon Extras repository in Linux Mint Debian (LMDE), run the following commands in a terminal:
echo "deb oneiric main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bimsebasse-cinnamonextras.list
echo "deb-src oneiric main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bimsebasse-cinnamonextras.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 4FA9719D
sudo apt-get update

Once the Cinnamon Extras PPA repository has been added, use Synaptic or the Linux Mint Software Manager, etc., and search for "cinnamon" - you should see all the available themes, applets and extensions available for installation. Then use Cinnamon Settings to enable newly applets, extensions or change the Cinnamon theme.


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