Bluebird Theme Ported To GTK3 (Works With GTK 3.2 And 3.4)

8:01 PM

bluebird gtk3 theme
Bluebird GTK3 - Ubuntu 11.10

Bluebird, a simple yet stylish theme that was used by default in Xubuntu 10.10 is now available for GTK3 (it supports GTK 3.2 and 3.4) and works with both Xubuntu (Xfce) and Ubuntu (GNOME / Unity).

The theme is not 100% GTK3 ready and there's no Unity integration unfortunately (no maximized window buttons or a custom top panel), but it's pretty usable already.

Bluebird - Ubuntu 12.04 (GTK 3.4)

Install Bluebird GTK2/3 theme

If you like Bluebird and want to install it in Ubuntu/Xubuntu 11.10 or 12.04, you can use our Themes PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bluebird-gtk-theme

The old GTK2-only Bluebird theme is also available in our Themes PPA for Ubuntu Lucid, Maverick and Natty so if you use one of these Ubuntu versions, you can install Bluebird GTK2 using the same commands.

Once installed, use GNOME Tweak Tool, Ubuntu Tweak or MyUnity to apply the new theme (for both GTK and window).

For other Linux distributions: you can download Bluebird via GIT:
git clone ~/.themes/Bluebird

If you don't use Ubuntu, make sure you've installed Unico GTK3 engine (as well as Murrine GTK2 engine) or else Bluebird will not look properly.

via Xubuntu @ Google+


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